Archive for February, 2019

Footprints in the Snow

Last week as I was arriving home I noticed that someone had shovelled just the top part of the driveway. As I pulled in I saw two large circles stomped into the snow, like a very LARGE infinity symbol. I didn’t think much of it, drove over it and pulled into the garage.

Nicholas accosted me as soon as I stepped inside “You drove over my artwork! Did you see it?” his giggling gave it away so I headed upstairs to look out the front window. Turns out it wasn’t circles or an infinity symbol, nope, my kid stomped a giant, driveway-sized, detailed penis and balls into the snow–and tried to pass it off as Squidward. (We have 7-car driveway–it took up the entire thing.) We moved here in October and due to the deep freeze have not really had a chance to get to know our neighbours, I can only hope that they have parented boys, and/or have a good sense of humour.


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